Bericht van de directeur van YFU Wallonië
July 18, 2024 12:04

Dear Flanders Families,
I want to thank you for the support to our programs.
Without your hospitality, our programs cannot run and we are so grateful for that.

Our exchange with Flanders is innovative inside the YFU network.
As we noticed Wallonian students wanted to learn Dutch we only offered the Netherlands as an opportunity to develop their intercultural competences. But we realized nothing prevented us from sending part of them to Flanders.
In 2007 with your support, YFU Flanders started smoothly to host students from us. The experience and the quality of your hosting were higher that we expected. Through the years, Flanders became the most popular destination in Wallonia. Since that time we had a real impact in the quality of YFU program and have developed a strong relationship within our two offices and our two communities.
Our youth developed a good language learning skill every year again and a better understanding of flemish community.

And we are so proud of that.
We hope this year again you will keep on supporting our students by hosting them again and again.

Meilleures salutations.

Rostand Tchuilieu
National director YFU Wallonia